Is it really worth-doing?
It has become very difficult to find a good job, these days. However, hardworking students can get the best jobs in the country through competitive examinations. CSS exams are held by FPSC every year to fill Grade 17 jobs in Federal Government Departments. It is 1200 marks written examination. The candidates successful in written examination are called for Medical Test, Psychological Test and Viva Voce bearing 300 marks. The jobs are awarded to the over-all successful candidates on quota + merit basis.
Why CSS Exams?
1- It’s right of every Pakistani graduate to avail of this opportunity to become a CSP, a grade 17 officer under Federal Govt.
2- It’s achievable. Average students can succeed in CSS with the help of proper knowledge and struggle.
3- Great opportunity. Successful candidates are offered great jobs in renowned departments. For example, Assistant Commissioner/ DDOR (DMG), Assistant Superintendent (Police), Assistant Commissioner (Customs), Assistant Commissioner (Income Tax) and so on.
4- Even if a candidate fails, he/she becomes so mature, resourceful and confident to excel in almost every field. Because knowledge and struggle never go unrewarded.
Let’s analyze
Many aspirants / candidates fail because;
- CSS exams are the highest completion in the country and candidates from all social classes attempt it.
- Candidates having great social exposure also compete.
So, it is not just a competition of ability but of resources as well. Many competent and bright candidates fail because of lack of exposure and resources (Study/ information resources).
Some candidates fail because of poor study-planning.
Almost all humans have great brains but our educational system does not induce rational thinking in most of the students. So, most of our students lack curiosity and ability to hypothesize and conclude. But for a vast syllabus like that of CSS, cramming certain material is never enough to get successful. CSS exams demand a mature approach towards the available knowledge / information and its ample analysis and use to predict and plan future. Many candidates fail because they are unable to utilize their mental abilities and potential properly because many functions of their brains are yet to be switched on.
Many candidates are unaware of the very basics of FPSC’s paper marking and passing policy and many others, it seems, do not study the syllabi of the optional subjects because, precise and promising yet secure selection of optional subjects is not common to see.
Many aspirants doom their own fate by increasing risk of failure in their subjects-selection even without knowledge.
Another mystery in the Competitive Exams is the required standard of material required by the examiners for good marks. Some candidates prepare too far beyond the required level while others fall much short than the required level. In either case, the candidates have to suffer the quantity of material/Knowledge or its quality respectively rendering his / her preparation insecure or useless respectively.
Deliberately concluding this section of the note, I want to mention the two most tangible factors which are very crucial for the success in CSS Exams;
1- Apposite amount of relevant knowledge / information.
2- Command over the English language for flawless, clear and sober expression of available knowledge / information in the exams.
Now, the required width of knowledge / information is easily known by the given syllabi of the subjects while its required depth can be known by a skilled and experienced coach / trainer /teacher.
The most visible single factor; Command over the English language has no substitute at all. Aspirants must not even think of success in CSS Exams without having command over the English language to express themselves freely. However, their accent will not matter much because the ability to write and comprehend written material is almost enough for them to be successful.
Having read it so far, I hold, a candidate can roughly calculate his / her chances of success in CSS Exams. Hence, this very note can help them develop their remedial plans to increase their chances of success.
The next thing
We, at Hallmark Institute, have developed solutions of almost all the problems a variety of CSS candidates face. All the problems enumerated above and the rest are dealt with a very rational, systematic and scientific approach. We are unique in our approach and course of action. No academy or institute, as we surveyed, is catering to the individual needs of the candidates based on the calculation of chances of success. We do not provide ready-made notes on all topics, rather we promote the ability in students to develop their own reference-notes in a supervised environment.
We have adopted the most modern behavioral / psychological approach in our academic operations to ensure students’ interest, motivation, progress across study plan, rational thinking, analytical skills development and hence confidence.
Students are not only coached in preparation of topics and development of knowledge and relevant vocabulary, but they are also trained to best express their knowledge / information on a given topic in the most composed, planned and organized manner.
Further, the students are trained in exams-attempting skills to optimize the results with their available knowledge / information and eliminating reasons of failure.
One may have noticed that here I have been using the words of “Training and Coaching” instead of “Teaching”. It is because we pass a student through many simulations which are supervised and evaluated. So, the students get the real idea and practice of the exams much before actually going to the examination hall.
In one sentence, our strategy for our CSS student is “Closing the channels of failure”.
Chances of Success
It’s a competition of those who know more with those who know less. At HALLMARK INSTITUTE, we provide our students with the most critical information, vision, knowledge, coaching, evaluation and support. A complete study plan is made for every student. With the help of our coaching, a candidate has mathematical control over the results – a clear advantage over other candidates.
Regular classes are conducted at Faisalabad with the most comprehensive and Scientific course of studies for 5 months. Candidates from other cities can also avail of these classes as accommodation facilities are also available.
However, those candidates who can not attend our regular classes at Faisalabad for any reason, can avail of On-Line classes. Almost every candidate can avail of these classes as these are conducted with very flexible time schedules and even accommodating working people in late hours. This mode involves use of phone and Skype for lectures and use of internet for tests and material transfer.
For regular classes at Faisalabad campus, total fee charged for 5 months program is Rs. 50,000 only to be paid at campus.
For On-line classes, total fee charged for 4 months program is Rs. 20,000 only to be sent through bank or deposited at Faisalabad campus.
For a great task like CSS exams, where you have to invest a good deal of your valuable time and where the chances to attempt are limited, never risk your success by compromising on your resources for preparation.
I hope that the information given herein will be beneficial for you. If you think that this information can be helpful for someone else you know, then please forward it to him/ her.
M. Nawaz,
Hallmark Institute, Fsd.
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