Scientific Track for CSS Preparation. The Job is not hard.
Step 1. See that you are eligible for the competition as per CE rules.
Step 2. Select Optional subjects keeping in view your educational background and interests. But, never select any optional subject without reading its syllabus in detail.
Step 3. Assess the available time for preparation.
Step 4. Select books and reading materials and mark required topics in them.
Step 5. Plan order of subjects for preparation. And allocate time for each subject leaving sufficient time for revisions and practice.
Step 6. Divide the time allocated for each subject in two sections. Section 1 should be just 10 to 20 percent of the allocated time and in this time first fast reading should be done and all important information or lines should be marked or underlined on books and other study materials. In Section 2, the subject should be prepared in detail. Same procedure for all subjects except Essay, Precis & Composition and Current Affairs.
Step 7. For papers of Essay and Precis & Composition, personal notes should be developed including list of favourite words, quotitions, synonyms and acronyms. Notes should also include fresh information on topics expected for Essay writing. And, planned simulation of these two papers should be done on regular basis.
Step 8. Practice of past papers should be done for preparation of Precis & Composition.
Step 9. Fresh information should be noted in hints and proper wordings on topics of Current Affairs.
Step 10. All the subjects should be revised with few simulations of 3 hours examination paper. And, well before commencement of exams, schedule your routine according to exams timing otherwise you may encounter sleep or hunger in examination hall.
Step 11. The aspirant should feel proud of their knowledge to gain morale.
Step 12. Let me categorically tell you that after doing this exercise, you shall no more be an ordinary person. Whether you succeed in CSS or not, this knowledge will surely differentiate you in almost all walks of life, making success easy in almost every field. Such thinking will lower the pressure an aspirant bears because in one case the aspirant will be a CSP while in other case there will be no reward.
Step 13. Go for the exams quite confidently.
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